David’s Rise to Kingship
David’s Anointing (16:1-13)
Takes place in Bethlehem of Judah (v. 1)
Note about appearance/height (v. 7)
God tells Samuel to not look at David's brothers who are tall and strong and handsome, because can see into their hearts.
God tells Samuel to not look at David's brothers who are tall and strong and handsome, because can see into their hearts.
David is the youngest of Jesse’s seven sons (v. 11)
David as shepherd (v. 11) – God’s greatest leaders are shepherds
David is called in from tending the sheep and God tells Samuel to anoint him as king.
David is called in from tending the sheep and God tells Samuel to anoint him as king.
“From that day forward…”
The LORD’s spirit comes upon David
Spirit departs from Saul
Court musician (16:14-23)
When David would play his harp, the evil spirit would leave Saul
Battle against Goliath (17:55-58)
Saul does not engage the Philistines
There is a stalemate between the Philistines and the Israelites for forty days.
Jesse sends David to the battle field with some food for the soldiers.
There is a stalemate between the Philistines and the Israelites for forty days.
Jesse sends David to the battle field with some food for the soldiers.
When David sees Goliath mocking Israel's God, David does the will of God.
King Saul attempts to dress David in his own armor, but David takes it off because it is awkward.
David gathers five smooth stones from a brook and uses his sling to shoot a stone into Goliath's skull as Goliath is mocking him.
Goliath's armor is described as looking like scales, and the numbers associated with his armor and weapons are all connected to the number six, so the text is attempting to show through this imagery that Goliath is aligned with evil. Even his height is reported as "six cubits tall."
King Saul attempts to dress David in his own armor, but David takes it off because it is awkward.
David gathers five smooth stones from a brook and uses his sling to shoot a stone into Goliath's skull as Goliath is mocking him.
Goliath's armor is described as looking like scales, and the numbers associated with his armor and weapons are all connected to the number six, so the text is attempting to show through this imagery that Goliath is aligned with evil. Even his height is reported as "six cubits tall."
David cuts off Goliath's head and takes it to Jerusalem
He also leads the army in routing the Philistines.
He also leads the army in routing the Philistines.
David and Saul
According to puppets…
David as commander in Saul’s service (18:6-9; 12-15)
The people love David
Saul is jealous and hates David
Saul throws his spear at David and tries to kill him while he is playing his harp, but David escapes.
David and Saul’s family:
Saul's Son Jonathan (18:3-5; 19:1-7; 20:1-42)
Loved David
David and Jonathan make covenant
Jonathan gives throne to David
Jonathan saves David’s life during a festival. They use coded messages with bows and arrows, and David flees.
Saul wonders why David didn't show up to the festival, and when he finds out that Jonathan let him go, he throws his spear at Jonathan, calling him a “son of a b****”, or as more polite but less literal translations put it, "the son of a perverse and rebellious woman."
Saul's Daughter Michal (18:17-29; 19:8-17)
Loved David
David defeats the Philistines and marries Saul’s daughter as Saul's reward for bringing him back 200 Philistine foreskins... what a dowry.
Michal saves David’s life by making a dummy out of a “household god,” placing it in David's bed, and then lowering David out the back window, and telling Saul's soldiers at the front door that David was sick in bed.
Final Separation (19:18-24; 20:42)
Before David and Jonathan parted ways, David fled to Samuel.
Saul sent men to get them, but the spirit of God possessed them and all they could do was prophesy.
Finally, Saul himself went but he too became possessed by God’s spirit when he entered Samuel’s presence.
Saul stripped naked and lay on the ground prophesying all day and all night.
Once again the text points to this event as one of the reasons there is the saying in Israel: “Is Saul also among the prophets?”
David in the Wilderness (1 Sam 21:1–2 Sam 1:27)
Takes refuge at Nob
Nob is near Gibeah, which is Saul’s home-base
Receives support of Ahimelech the priest (21:1-9)
David is given Goliath’s sword
Doeg tells Saul where David is, and Saul gets revenge on Ahimelech (21:6-19)
Doeg kills the priests after Saul’s servants refuse
Previously, Saul failed to kill every enemy, but has no trouble killing all but one of God’s priests at Nob
The priest Abiathar escapes death and joins David (21:20-23)
David seeks refuge among the Philistines at Gath (21:1-15)
He pretends to be insane to avoid being considered a threat
Escapes to cave of Adullam
David’s family visits him
Thugs and outcasts join his cause, a group of 400 men
Takes refuge in Moab (22:1-5)
David makes allies with the Moabites
The prophet Gad shows up and tells David to go back to Judah
David goes back and hides in the forest of Hereth
David saves Keilah (23:1-14)
David’s is successful in battle against the Philistines (vv. 1-5)
Yawheh protects David from Saul (vv. 6-14)
God tells David that Keilah will betray him to Saul, so David flees
David in the wilderness of Ziph (23:15-29)
Saul can’t find David, but Jonathan does
Jonathan and David renew their covenant together (vv. 15-18)
Jonathan says, “You will be king and my father knows this.”
David eludes Saul in the wilderness of Maon (vv. 19-29)
Saul is breathing down David’s neck
David is cornered, but suddenly a messenger arrives with news for Saul about a new Philistine invasion and Saul leaves immediately
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One of the many waterfalls at En-Gedi. |
David at En-Gedi (24:1-22)
En Gedi has many high cliffs and is full of caves in which David and his men hide
David spares Saul (vv. 1-7)
David hides in a cave when Saul and his men come to the area
Saul goes into the cave in which David happens to be hiding and takes a dump.
David's men want him to kill Saul while his pants are down, but David refuses.
David's men want him to kill Saul while his pants are down, but David refuses.
David pleads his cause to Saul (vv. 8-15)
He tells Saul that he could have killed him just now but he refused because of his great respect for him.
He tells Saul that he could have killed him just now but he refused because of his great respect for him.
Saul’s declaration and confession (vv. 16-22)
Saul says, “You are more righteous than I am.”
Saul says, “I know you will be king.”
David swears that he will not kill Saul’s family when he becomes king.
David in Maon and his encounter with Nabal (25:2-42)
This chapter opens by mentioning the death of Samuel.
David’s request (vv. 1-8) – he offers Nabal “protection”
Nabal’s response (vv. 9-11) – “Who is David? ...He’s just some guy breaking off from his master!”
“Nabal” means “fool.”
David and his men strap on their swords and go off to kill every person with Nabal who “pisses against the wall,” (the males) saying, “How dare ‘he piss’ on ‘our wall’ of protection.”
Abigail’s intercession (vv. 18-35)
Abigail intercepts David and his men and offers them gifts of food, apologizes for Nabal's foolishness, and pleads with David to not play God by seeking revenge.
David relents.
“God has prevented David from taking vengeance.” “God will establish David’s dynasty.”
David relents.
“God has prevented David from taking vengeance.” “God will establish David’s dynasty.”
“The LORD strikes Nabal dead.”
Nabal was having a drunken party this whole time.
In the morning, Abigail tells him what David almost did.
Nabal drops dead while he is “pissing out the wine” from the night before.
Abigail takes over Nabal’s wealth and marries David.
David refuses to kill Saul…again (vv. 8-12)
David and Joab sneak into Saul’s camp and steal some of his personal belongings, but David won’t let Joab kill Saul
David confronts Abner (vv. 13-16)
"Where were you, Abner? You're the king's bodyguard, but you were fast asleep when someone came to destroy your master!"
Saul’s confession (vv. 21-25)
“I have done wrong.” “I have been a fool.” (or nabal) “Blessed are you, my son, David. You will do many great things.”
David at Ziklag (27:1–28:2; 29:1–30:30)
David goes to Achish of the Philistines, hoping Saul will leave him alone.
David takes two wives with him, Abigail and Ahinoam.
David makes raids in the south (vv. 8-11)
David tricks Achish, saying he was actually raiding Judah (v. 12)
The Philistines move their army north against Saul
They don’t let David come with them
The Amalekites raid David’s family, and he takes revenge on them (30:1-25)
David gains favor with the clans/families of Judah by giving them the loot leftover from his revenge on the Amalekites. (30:26-30)
Later, these same people declare David king.
David Flees From Saul
Saul and his army gathered at Gilboa to face the Philistine invasion force.
Saul was “filled with terror.”
Saul inquired of Urim and Thummin and prophet but got no answer from God.
Saul asked his men where he could find a “medium.”
Saul and two of his men disguised themselves and at night went to Endor to consult the medium.
The medium suspected they were on a witch-hunt.
Saul swore by the LORD that he would not harm her.
Saul told her to call up the prophet Samuel.
“A ghostly figure came up out of the earth.”
When the woman saw Samuel, she shrieked and pointed at Saul and recognized him as king.
Saul told her to not be afraid.
Samuel is described as an old man with a robe, and says, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?”
Saul told him about the Philistines and how God wouldn't speak to him anymore, so he didn't know what to do.
Samuel’s message:
Refers to “the LORD” seven times
“Why do you consult me?”
“You have become the LORD’s enemy”
“The LORD has rejected you”
“Your kingdom will be given to David”
“Tomorrow you and your sons will join me in Sheol”
After Samuel’s spirit left, Saul and his men shared a covenant meal with the witch before leaving, further solidifying his alignment with evil.
The death of Saul (31:1-13)
Battle takes place at Mt. Gilboa (v. 1)
Saul’s sons are killed, including Jonathan (v. 2)
Later, we learn that Ish-bosheth was the only son who survived
Saul commits suicide (vv. 3-6)
He tells his servant-boy to stab him, but the boy is afraid
Saul falls on his own sword
The Philistines humiliate Saul (vv. 8-10)
They behead him and hang his body on a wall
Saul's cousins from Jabesh-Gilead recover Saul’s body (vv. 11-13)
The Amalekite report of Saul’s death (2 Sam 1:1-16)
The Amalekite hands Saul’s crown to David
Mourning over the death of Saul and Jonathan (vv. 11-13)
The elimination of the Amalekite (vv. 14-16)
The Amalekite takes credit for Saul’s death
David kills him and says, “Why were you not afraid to lift your hand against the LORD’s anointed?”
Group Discussion: What happens to us when we die?
Why does Samuel’s ghost appear in the story?
Where do people go when they die? Heaven? Hell? Purgatory? Something else?
Can people return as ghosts?
Do mediums really have the power to talk to the dead?
What power does God have over the dead?
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